Sunday, January 16, 2011

Oh, Happy Days!

PatrĂ­cia, Adriana and Carol seeing our wedding album

Last week we hosted our first guests directly from Brazil: the couple Edu and Dri and their beautiful kids Carol and Guga. Paty worked with Dri in a Public Relations company and Edu was one of her bosses at Vignette / Open Text. Definitely, we had a great time with them! 

First of all, we showed VIU facilities to the family, since Carol is willing to study abroad. As good Canada lovers, we have recommended the country to her and to all those people who expect good universities and a wonderful country. 

After the VIU tour, we had planned to skate with the children or to have lunch at The Coombs Country Market. But, guess what? In Nanaimo, some restaurants and some tourist attractions shut down in wintertime... It does not matter, though. Other good restaurants are still open and we went to a good one to eat some pasta. Then, they came to see our home sweet home in downtown Nanaimo and, of course, talk about everything! 

And with them, more good news: they brought our wedding video!! It was wonderful to remember that day... Even better was to watch all that happiness at the dance floor and to listen all the beautiful testimonials from our friends and relatives.  

Well, the end of that day could not be better. We ended up watching the snow falling again in Nanaimo. And much stronger than other days. At 11pm, we were already wearing our pajamas when a guy showed up, right down at Maffeo Park, building a huge snowman. We did not resist: the snow was inviting us to go outside. We went down, played a bit and took some pictures with the snowman. Of course, we recorded everything. You can watch the video: and enjoy our pictures right here: It was pretty cool. 

The next day was also awesome: a white town out of our windows and the message of "snow day" at VIU´s website! Wooohoooo! We like to take classes and stuff, but playing with the snow is much better, eh? And so we enjoyed that beautiful sunny day!


  1. Oi Gente que legal achar esse blog, achei que eramos os unicos brasileiros morando em Nananimo kkk, tava navegando no site da VIU (faco ingles la) e encontrei o blog de vcs, vou dar uma lida na historia de vcs e passar por aqui de vez enquando, tb tenho um blog se quiser saber mais a respeito de nos passa la.

  2. Oi Simone, que legal o seu comentario. Bom saber que tem outros brasileiros por aqui. Vou seguir seu blog. Bjs, Patricia

  3. Being married for six years, three kids so far, and coming from a conservative background, I found Nanaimo a great place to raise kids. I share you the same thoughts about Nanaimo. I also found it a ttractive, young and calm. My wife and I came many times to Nanaimo looking for a place to rent in which I will feel safe about my wife and kids while doing my school work at VIU library. Luckily, Pacific Gardens was the perfect place for us. I totally suggest it for any visitors to Nanaimo to see. It is a piece of art, full of active green oriented residents, and more than a dozen kids (three of them are mine). Good luck, keep it a live.
