Saturday, October 2, 2010

Where all the good people go?

With our friends Karl and Mariel, at The Butchart Gardens, in Victoria, BC

As we said and as everybody knows: this is a frozen land! Maybe, that is why Canadian people love to break the ice, start a conversation and be nice with people they have never seen before! It looks like we are still in Brazil, since people here are so receptive and solicitous. 

And we have lots of examples to prove it: Niki – a lovely VIU employee who answered patiently tons of e-mails we sent her asking for information about the University, about the city, about the weather, about places to watch the World Cup of Soccer; Ronda – owner of the place we stayed in our first two months in Nanaimo, who offered us a cabin with cable TV so we could watch Brazil’s World Cup games; Sterling – a bank account manager who, while we opened our student account, told us all his history in a funny way and recommended us to look for a bachelor in the building we are living today (now, he is also our neighbour!); Karl – our classmate and a brother: a former baseball player who is like a comedian, making us laugh all the time and also a person who is always offering help, tours, dinners...

If we will write about each nice Canadian we met and each interesting experience we had here in three months, nobody would read this post because it would be enormous! It has been a pleasant surprise and the point is that all of those good people and excellent feelings have helped us not to miss so much our country and family. Now, when Jack Johnson ask in that song “where all the good people go?”, we think with ourselves: all of them we do not know, but we are sure that some of them come to Canada!

As we met so many cool people here, it was impossible to write about other things now. So, on the next post, we will we share our first experiences at the land of maple leaf. See you soon!


  1. well written. looks like a work of a journalist.
    "from hunar".

  2. It is so very easy to welcome you guys to our not-so-frozen land, as you are so outgoing and warm and happy to be here. Impossible not to notice! We are delighted with how you described Karl - our son - and all the good times you've shared together. Helge and I are looking forward to introducing our Canadian Thanksgiving traditional turkey dinner to you and welcoming you to our family again. We love to hear the sounds of your beautiful Brazilian language flowing through our home with Karl and Mariel and you and Renato, switching back and forth from English to Portuguese, and all the laughter. You are delightful guests, both in our home and in the joy you take from our city and Island. See you next Monday. Beijos!
    ~Mary and Helge

  3. Awesome job! Congratulations! Very nice blog! (I actually started reading your blog in portuguese.. its interesting and i could understand the main idea out of most sentences!

    Its really cool you take the time to share your experience... See ya soon!

  4. Mary,
    Thanks for your sweet words. It is a pleasure for us to to have you as our reader!

  5. Hola Luis!
    Buenísimo que te estás gustando este y el otro blog (incluso leyendo en portugués, muy bueno!!). Es una agradable tarea escribir sobre xperiencias tan ricas acá en Canadá y dividirlas con los amigos!
    Además, tal cual nos dijo Bonita Russel: tenemos que hacer otras cosas además de estudiar!
    We agree!!
